In this series, I explore a sense of connectivity in nature from a macro/macro perspective. Forms of life that relate to interconnectivity such as the nerve plexus and circulatory system as well as streams that come together to form rivers, branches of trees, and its underground network of roots share a commonality. I collaborate with objects found in nature and natural dyes made from organic materials to create mark-making. Intricacies of detail and varieties of form become a texture. This texture within nature exists in a given space at a moment in time. My studio is my laboratory where I allow the process to become part of the creative experience. As the work progresses I look for forms that will bring the formless chaos to an integrated system.

Autumnal, India ink and coffee dye stained abstract painting, 48"x 9'

Autumnal, India ink and coffee dye stained abstract painting, 48"x 9'

The Nature of Time I, India ink and coffee dyes on paper, 48"x 9'

The Nature of Time II, India ink and coffee dyes on paper, 48"x 6’'

The Nature of Time III, India ink on paper, 48"x 10’

The Nature of Time IV, India ink on paper, 48"x 9’

The Nature of Time V, India ink and coffee dyes on paper, 48"x 9’

The Nature of Time VI, India ink and coffee dyes on paper, 48"x 9’

The Nature of Time VI, India ink and coffee dyes on paper, 48"x 9’

The Nature of Time VII, India ink, terra cotta clay, and white tempura, on paper, 48"x 8’

Night Dwellers, India ink, 48"x 6’

Autumnal, India ink, and coffee dyes on paper, 48"x 9’